
Showing posts from February, 2016

Microsoft Gaming Boss Responds to windows 10 Vsync , SLI crossfire complaints

A recent thread on Reddit highlighted several key points as to why it was bad to have a Windows Store exclusive game, like the recently released Tomb Raider and the upcoming Quantum Break. According to the thread, the Windows Store is not as optimized as Origin, for example, and lacks SLI/Crossfire support as well as the inability to disable VSync. VSync, for those that did not know, stands for Vertical Synchronization. The basic idea behind VSync is that it synchronizes your frames per second with your monitor’s refresh rate with the purpose to eliminate “tearing”. Since these games are launched via the Windows Store and not from the game’s EXE file, the Nvidia Control Panel is unable to be utilized for settings customizations. The Universal Windows Platform itself has several limitations, one of them includes the inability to disable VSync (this comes from the Tomb Raider developer in a post on Steam). Thankfully, Microsoft’s Xbox and Windows gaming boss Mike Ybarra has tak...

HoloLens Dev Edition Reportedly ships March 30th cost $ 3000

According to a report by Fortune magazine, which has since been pulled for being published ahead of schedule, Microsoft’s HoloLens headset will be available for pre-order on the 29th of February for $3,000 (Development Edition). The report also states that the HoloLens Development Edition will launch March 30th. Here’s a snippet of  the Fortune blog post : Kudo Tsunoda, corporate vice president at Microsoft, announced through a blog post today that Fragments, Young Conker, and RoboRaid (previously demonstrated at E3 as Project X-Ray) will be included with the hardware to showcase the gaming capabilities that augmented reality opens up. Early purchasers of the new hardware will include game developers, and Microsoft is looking to create an ecosystem of software that will help it sell the consumer version of HoloLens down the line. HoloLens will include several non-gaming related apps to assist developers, including HoloStudio — a tool to create 3D resources — and an enhanced...

HoloLens companion App let's you live stream Directly to Windows 10

According to a  leaked report , Microsoft is set to open pre-orders of the HoloLens Development Edition on February 29th, with orders shipping March 30th. Along with new details on the HoloLens, we also have a companion app (spotted by  @ h0x0d ) which lets you do all sorts of neat things. Here’s the app description: Connect to your HoloLens over WiFi using this companion app to do common functions like downloading media, viewing a live stream from your device or even remotely launching apps and controlling your HoloLens! The free app lets you view and download photos and videos taken with a HoloLens. You can even see a live stream of what the HoloLens user is seeing, which is pretty neat! Check out the full list of feature this app has, making it a must-have app if you plan to purchase a HoloLens:   View / Download Photos and Videos taken from the device See a live stream of what the user is currently seeing Remotely take pictures and Vid...

Quantum Break and One Drive App listings Appear in the windows Store

Quantum Break is set to be released on Windows 10  on April 5th , and now we know it will be purchasable via the Windows Store. You can watch the trailer of the game below. Universal OneDrive app for Windows 10 The app listing for a OneDrive app has also appeared in the store after recent reports suggested Microsoft was working on a Universal Windows 10 app. The app is not available for download at this time, but key features will include: Browse all your files and files shared with you. Automatically upload photos and videos to your personal OneDrive account using camera upload. Share your files. Move, delete, and rename files, and create new folders. Search for files and folders. Share files to OneDrive from other apps. Open files from OneDrive in other apps Looks like we may be close to a beta release, so stay tuned. In the meantime, check out the app listing for OneDrive here.