Microsoft Gaming Boss Responds to windows 10 Vsync , SLI crossfire complaints
A recent thread on Reddit highlighted several key points as to why it was bad to have a Windows Store exclusive game, like the recently released Tomb Raider and the upcoming Quantum Break. According to the thread, the Windows Store is not as optimized as Origin, for example, and lacks SLI/Crossfire support as well as the inability to disable VSync. VSync, for those that did not know, stands for Vertical Synchronization. The basic idea behind VSync is that it synchronizes your frames per second with your monitor’s refresh rate with the purpose to eliminate “tearing”. Since these games are launched via the Windows Store and not from the game’s EXE file, the Nvidia Control Panel is unable to be utilized for settings customizations. The Universal Windows Platform itself has several limitations, one of them includes the inability to disable VSync (this comes from the Tomb Raider developer in a post on Steam). Thankfully, Microsoft’s Xbox and Windows gaming boss Mike Ybarra has tak...